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What is continuation?

In Scheme a continuation is a thing that is waiting for an expression to be evaluated. When you have an expression the arguments are evaluated first, so the function application is waiting for the arguments to get evaluated before the function can be applied.

If you have code like this:

(+ 1 2 <slot>)

and <slot> is an expression: (e.g.: (/ 1 10))

(+ 1 2 (/ 1 10))
;; ==> 31/10

then continuation for expression (/ 1 10) is (+ 1 2 <slot>). Continuations is the next expression that needs to be evaluated.

Scheme is unique because it allows accessing continuations. They are first class objects like numbers or functions.

You can be represented continuation as a function:

if (/ 1 10) is z the contunuation of the whole expression can be represented as a function, that may look like this:

(lambda (z)
  (+ 1 2 z))

Accessing current continuation

To access the current continuation for an expression, you need to use call-with-current-continuation or its abbreviation call/cc. The procedure call/cc accepts a single procedure that get the continuation as first argument:

(call/cc (lambda (cc)

So to capute the continuation expressed as a function you can use code like this:

(+ 1 2 (call/cc
        (lambda (c)
          (/ 1 10))))
;; ==> 31/10

The continuation saved in c capture whole state of the Scheme interpreter. The continuation act as a procedure that you can pass a single value to it and Scheme will jump in to the place where continuation was captured with a given value.

Calling continuations

You can save continuation inside a variable and call it later like a procedure.

(define k #f)

(display (+ 1 2 (call/cc
                 (lambda (continuation)
                   (set! k continuation)
                   (/ 1 10)))))
;; ==> 31/10
(k 3)
;; ==> 6

Here when you call a continuation k with value 6 it restores the state in (+ 1 2 <slot>) and execute that expression again with a value 3 (expression (+ 1 2 3)).


Note that the above code will create an infinite loop when called inside an expression like let:

(let ()
  (define k #f)
  (display (+ 1 2 (call/cc
                   (lambda (continuation)
                     (set! k continuation)
                     (/ 1 10)))))

  (k 3)) ;; start infinite loop

Above code will print 6 in an ifnite loop, because the continuation don't end at display, like in previous example, only continue executing newline and next call to the continuation.

The continuation act like a procedure and return #t with a procedure? predicate:

(define k (call/cc (lambda (c) c)))
(procedure? k)
;; ==> #t

Early exit

The simple thing you can do with continuations is an early exit. Scheme doesn't have a return expression, but with continuations you can add one.

(define (find item lst)
  (call/cc (lambda (return)
             (let loop ((lst lst))
                (if (null? lst)
                    (return #f)
                    (if (equal? item (car lst))
                        (return lst)
                        (loop (cdr lst))))))))

Above function is recursive function but the continuations saved before the loop and when calling return it immedielty jump to the beginning with a given value.

You can even create abstraction of return with an anaphoric macro:

(define-macro (alambda args . body)
  `(lambda ,args
     (call/cc (lambda (return)

and you can use this macro like normal a lambda, but you have anaphoric return expression:

(define exists? (alambda (item lst)
                         (for-each (lambda (x)
                                     (if (equal? x item)
                                         (return #t)))

(exists? 'x '(a b c d e f))
;; ==> #f
(exists? 'd '(a b c d e f))
;; ==> #t

Here for-each always iterates over all elements, but with continuation, it will return immediately when a value is found.


You can create loops with continuations:

(define (make-range from to)
   (lambda (return)
     (let ((result '()))
       (let ((loop (call/cc (lambda (k) k))))
         (if (<= from to)
             (set! result (cons from result))
             (return (reverse result)))
         (set! from (+ from 1))
         (loop loop))))))

(make-range 1 10)
;; ==> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

The first continuation creates an early exit, like in the previous example. But the second call/cc use identity function (it returns continuation). Which means that the continuation is saved in a loop variable. And each time it's called with loop as an argument, it's again assigned that continuation to loop variable. This is required for the next loop.


Some languages have generators and a yield keyword. In Scheme, you can create generators with continuations.

(define (make-coroutine-generator proc)
  (define void (if #f #f))
  (define return #f)
  (define resume #f)
  (define yield (lambda (v)
                  (call/cc (lambda (r)
                             (set! resume r)
                             (return v)))))
  (lambda ()
    (call/cc (lambda (cc)
               (set! return cc)
               (if resume
                   (resume void)  ; void? or yield again?
                   (begin (proc yield)
                          (set! resume (lambda (v)
                                         (return (eof-object))))
                          (return (eof-object))))))))

The above example came from SRFI 158 example implementation.

There are two saved continuations that interact with each other. First is return like in one the previous examples. And the other is yield that saves the point when it was called and return the value. When the main function is called (the return lambda) for the first time it saves the return from the function for the yield and execute the main function with yield as argument. But when you execute the function next time, it call resume, the location when yield was called. When yield is not called it return eof-object.

The procedure make-coroutine-generator allows defining generators:

(define counter (make-coroutine-generator
                 (lambda (yield)
                   (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
                     ((<= 3 i))
                     (yield i)))))

(counter) ;; ==> 0
(counter) ;; ==> 1
(counter) ;; ==> 2
(counter) ;; ==> #<eof>

With continuations, you can do a lot of cool new flow control structures.