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Getting Started


When using LIPS Scheme interpreter in browser you need to include the main script file.

<script src=""></script>

or jsDelivr that is somewhat faster:

<script src=""></script>

After adding script tag with main file, you can use Scheme code inside script tag:

Running Scheme Code Inline

<script type="text/x-scheme" bootstrap>
(let ((what "world")
      (greet "hello"))
   (display (string-append "hello" " " what))

NOTE: Only the core of LIPS is written in JavaScript, almost half of it it's written in Scheme. So if you want to load the standard library (to have full LIPS), you should use bootstrap or data-bootstrap attribute that will load it for you. You can optionally specify the location of the file.

<script type="text/x-scheme" bootstrap="">
(let ((what "world")
      (greet "hello"))
   (display (string-append "hello" " " what))

xcb file is simple binary format that LIPS uses to speed up parsing the the code. You can also use .scm file or .min.scm file that may be little bit bigger.

NOTE The bootstrap attribute can also be included on main script tag with the JavaScript file.

Running External Scheme Code

You can also use src attribute to link to source file. Like you normally do with JavaScript:

<script type="text/x-scheme" src="example.scm"><script>


To install LIPS you can use NPM, you first need to install Node.js.

npm install -g @jcubic/lips@beta

You should use beta, because the so call stable version is really old and outdated. Because of so many breaking changes no new stable version was released and instead 1.0 beta started.

If LIPS is installed globally just use lips command to start the REPL:

LIPS REPL session in Terminal

By default, splash screen is shown you can hide it with option -q (for quiet). If you're using bash you can create an alias:

alias lips='lips -q'

and you will not see the splash again.

Executing files

You can also execute scheme code with:

lips foo.scm

Note, that with lisp executable you don't need to manually bootstrap the standard library. But you can change which file is loaded or disable the loading of the file completely using --bootstrap flag.

lips --bootstrap dist/std.scm foo.scm

This will run foo.scm file and bootstrap from main scheme file.

lips --bootstrap none foo.scm

This will run the code without loading the standard library. So LIPS will have only functions and macros defined in JavaScript. This is called Core of LIPS with most of the essentials.

Executing expressions

You can execute expression with -e flag (short of eval):

lips -e '(print "hello world")'

Standalone scripts

You can also write scripts using LIPS with shebang. This extension is defined in SRFI-22.

#!/usr/bin/env lips
(let ((what "World"))
  (print (string-append "Hello " what)))

If you write code like this and save it in script.scm on Unix like systems (Linux, macOS, or Windows with WSL) you can change the execution permission:

chmod +x script.scm

and execute the script by providing the name:


NOTE: by default most systems don't execute files in current directory so you need to provide ./ in front. You can change that if you add dot (current working directory) to the $PATH environment variable:

export $PATH=".:$PATH"

If you prefer to install lips locally instead of globally you can use this shebang:

#!/usr/bin/env -S npx @jcubic/lips@beta
(let ((what "World"))
  (print (string-append "Hello " what)))

NOTE: if you run this code outside of Node.js project npx will install the package before execution.

Node.js project

Afeter you have installed LIPS you can create a new Node.js project and write LIPS Scheme code instead of JavaScript, using everything Node.js provides. See documentation about Integration with JavaScript.

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
npm init -y

Then you can install npm packages

npm install braces

and use them in LIPS Scheme:

(define braces (require "braces"))

(write (braces "{01..10}" &(:expand #t)))
;; ==> #("01" "02" "03" "04" "05" "06" "07" "08" "09" "10")

NOTE: braces is a popular package to expand bash like expressions, it's used as deep dependency for TailwindCSS.

Executing LIPS prammatically

You can also execute LIPS from JavaScript:

const { exec } = require('@jcubic/lips');
// or
import { exec } from '@jcubic/lips';

exec('(let ((a 10) (b 20)) (* a b))').then(result => {
    results.forEach(function(result) {
        if (typeof result !== 'undefined') {

exec is the main function that can be used to evaluate expressions. It returns a Promise of Array of results.

Creating REPL

If you want to create REPL or similar thing you can use Interpreter interface which allow to change stdin and stdout.

import { Interpreter, InputPort, OutputPort } from '@jcubic/lips';

const interpreter = Interpreter('<name>', {
    stdin: InputPort(function() {
        return new Promise(function(resolve) {
          // resolve with a string when data is ready
    stdout: OutputPort(function(obj) {
        // you will get any object and need to print it
        // you can use this.get('repr') function from LIPS environment
        // to get representation of the object as string
        if (typeof obj !== 'string') {
            obj = this.get('repr')(obj);

Anything you add to the object passed to Interpreter will be added to global scope.

The Interpreter have a method exec that work the same as thhe one exported from LIPS.


Note: that you also need to bootstrap the standard library to have fully working Scheme system.

await interpreter.exec(`(let-env lips.env.__parent__
                          (load "<path or URL>/dist/std.xcb"))`);

lips.env is user environment and __parent__ is real top level global environment. To see more about let-env expression check documentation about LIPS environments.

Dynamic Scope


Initially the library was created with optional dynamic scope. The reason for it was that it was supposed to be used as scriptng language for the Emacs in the browser, probably as a fork of Ymacs. The idea was abandoned but the dynamic scope remained as part of the library.


To enable dynamic scope in the Node REPL, you execute it with -d or --dynamic option.

$ lips -d
  __ __                          __
 / / \ \       _    _  ___  ___  \ \
| |   \ \     | |  | || . \/ __>  | |
| |    > \    | |_ | ||  _/\__ \  | |
| |   / ^ \   |___||_||_|  <___/  | |
 \_\ /_/ \_\                     /_/   dynamic scope

LIPS Interpreter {{VER}} (2024-08-29) <>
Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Jakub T. Jankiewicz

Type (env) to see environment with functions macros and variables. You can also
use (help name) to display help for specific function or macro, (apropos name)
to display list of matched names in environment and (dir object) to list
properties of an object.


The greeting will indicate that this is a dynamic scope. When using with a -q flag (for quiet), there are no feedback that this is dynamic scope.

You can combine -d or --dynamic option with other flags:

lips -d -e '(define (foo) (* x x)) (let ((x 10)) (print (foo)))'


You can use the flag when creating scripts:

#!/usr/bin/env -S lips -d

(define (foo)
  (* x x))

(let ((x 10))
  (print (foo)))


When using Interpreter class you can use:

interpreter.exec('code', { use_dynamic: true });


When using lips.exec you can also use option use_dynamic:

import { exec } from '@jcubic/lips';

exec('(define (foo) (* x x)) (let ((x 10)) (print (foo)))', { use_dynamic: true });

Editor support

Note that Scheme is popular language and editors usually support its syntax. But also not every editor may support literal regular expressions that are part of LIPS. If your editor doesn't support them, you can report an issue if the project is Open Source. Literal Regular Expressions are also part of Gauche and GNU Kawa.